What is, or rather was Papa Burger Phnom Penh? There is a whole heap of funny stuff when you get down to the Riverside of Phnom Penh! There is street food, river cruises, good restaurants and of course lots of girly bars. This is the nightlife place for Phnom Penh.
To read about Street 130 click here.
For the longest time though one of the funniest places was one called Papa Burger, which we will get to in a bit.
Did Papa Burger Phnom Penh sell burgers?

Most recently it did not, which we will get to in a bit, but originally it did. There are Facebook pages devoted to the place, an entry in YourPhnomPenh and generally good reviews.
Sadly Covid has turned many things bad and this has particularly affected restaurants. Essentially those that could not survive have not survived and Papa Burger seems to have gone that way.
To read about the recently closed Jungle Cat click here.
What became of Papa Burger Phnom Penh?
You have to admire business ingenuity particularly when people are quick to adapt. And this is what they did at Papa Burger Phnom Penh! The place was reconstituted as a massage parlor, which made for very strange viewing when walking past. The Papa Burger sign was there, but there were ladies sitting at the front beckoning in gentleman, but obviously nor for a burger.
This led to the amusing joke about going for a “Papa Burger”.
Getting your photo at Papa Burger Phnom Penh
And then came the funny part, you would get your photo outside, as you will see from my one (or even inside) and then post amusingly on Instagram about your “Papa Burger”.
It truly is amazing how we keep ourselves entertained during Covid-19.
To read about which countries are currently open to travel click here .
Papa Burger Phnom Penh – The end of an Era
Sadly massages faired little better than burgers and it has seemingly closed in the last few months. The Papa Burger sign is still there, but the doors are locked and there is a for sale, or for rent sign up.
No burgers, no massages, nor even an amusing photo opportunity. Cover truly does suck, or rather not anymore. Pun certainly intended.