What were the best selling soft drinks in the world in 2021? In 2021 we brought you the best selling soft drinks of 2020, the year of Covid-19!. What though were the biggest selling soft drinks 2021? The year of lockdowns, but also some semblance of normality. Well, we can tell you that there were zero changes at all! The top 10 in 2020 is exactly the same as 2021. We will still refresh you with the results! Oh and we are still waiting for least visited countries of 2021….
You can read about the least visited countries in the world here .
So, again just to be clear we are talking clearly about the best selling soft-drinks on the planet during the year from hell, rather than the slightly more fun boozy variety, which you can read about here .
What is a soft drink?
In the interests of this article we are talking about carbonated-drinks of the very sugary variety. In fact over the years and even rolling into 2022 sales have drastically declined – why? Because this shit is just bad for you, but oh my does it taste good.
And whilst in decline they still sold $410 million worth of products globally in 2020, enough to feed, or vaccinate the world pretty much.
Are soft-drinks caffeinated?
Most soft-drinks are well and truly caffeinated, you might not like coffee, but if you hanker for a Mountain Dew, or a Pepsi you might br craving caffeine as well as a hydrating sugar mix.
Spoiler alert it was not Dandelion and Burdock which you can read about here.
What were the best selling soft drinks in the world in 2021?
- Coca-Cola
- Pepsi
- Diet Coke
- Dr Pepper
- Mountain Dew
- Sprite
- Diet Pepsi
- Coke Zero
- Fanta
- Diet Mountain Dew

No shock in the fact that Coke reigns supreme on this list (and always has) and whilst I was very tempted to leave out diet products if we do then coke has 3 varieties in the top ten. Including Fanta and Sprite and the big bad corporate giants have 5 of the top 10 and the top 2 – do not underestimate the power of Coca Cola and their evil empire!
It should be remembered though that there are many countries where there are alternates to Coke, or where there is a very different top-ten. Favourites of mine include Ize Cola in Cambodia, Colombiana in, well Colombia and Sarsi in the Philippines.

And despite what you may have read you can buy coke in every country even North Korea and Cuba – you can read about North Korean coke here .
What is the Pepsi story?
You might think of Pepsi as plucky underdogs, but in fact they are just as much ass-hat corporate wankers as the rest of the bunch. After winning the Cola taste test they lost the cola wars, which is a pity as they once received Pepsi payments in military hardware for their drink. Yes, the cola wars could have gone nuclear.
Pepsi also own Mountain Dew, meaning that they are represented by 4/10 on the best selling soft drinks in the world in 2022.
To read about when Pepsi received warships for cola click here .
Does drinking Fanta make you a Nazi?
Yes it does! No it doesn’t and you can read about my obsession with Fanta Quest here. Fanta though was created by the Coke company in Nazi Germany when they couldn’t find coke syrup.

You can though read about great Nazi products we still use today here .
So Dr Pepper are the good guys?
Keurig Dr Pepper might only have 1/10 of the top ten selling soft-drinks in the world, but if we were to change the list to top ten non-alcoholic drinks in the world then they’d have a few others. Still a massive corporation who boast Snapple among their many products.
And those are the best selling soft drinks in the world, at least for 2021, hold onto your hats we will update this for the best selling soft-drinks in the world for 2022 in early 2023. What a time to be alive!