There is not a lot to do when you cross from Phnom Penh to Kandal, and bar street food, very little in the way of restaurants. There is though Pizza Cafe/PizzaCafe.
To read about street food in Kandal click here
Why go to Kandal?
There is literally no need for man nor beast travel to Kandal, unless you are transiting, trying to pick up Covid, or watching football. Ideally if it is football related it will be at the AEU Sport Park, worst case it will be at 7NG – the worst football stadium in Cambodia.
What is there to do in this part of Kandal?
Not much bar watching football, although there are some huge housing developments that look pretty plush. Alas the sell out is zero social life for a nice pad, or taking a ferry to work everyday.
The ferry ride though is quite nice.
To read about watching football in Cambodia click here

And the scenery?
The best part of visiting Kendal is probably the scenery and we not one got a great sunset, but saw some kids fishing. It really is the small things in life.
It was though walking through scenery and waiting for the TukTuk that we discovered Pizza Cafe.
Pizza Cafe and Rural franchising in Cambodia

The countryside of Cambodia is really nice, food wise it is mostly dominated by the street variety, but there are also a number of indigenous franchises, the most famous of which is probably Seoul Restaurant – obviously Korean influenced, but local and bad, like really bad.
You can read about Seoul Restaurant here
Pizza Have might have been a franchise, or the guy might have made it himself, regardless he offered a clean establishment and flavored sodas that are all the rage on Cambodia.
I didn’t end up having a pie, but I had a Blue Curcaco soda. It was really good and I promised to go back and try one of his pies. I am man of my word. I just hope Pizza Cafe of Kandal is worth it.