What is Khmer Nights? As was recently put to me the news in Cambodia is somewhat dry, that is not to say the news sources are not good, but how much can you read about Covid stats and the percentage of an airports competition before the news begins to tire.
You can read about vaccine rates here if that is your thing.
When it comes to sports, nightlife and general lifestyle there is a bit of a lack of Khmer news action, hence why Khmer Nights was born….
What is Khmer Nights and what will it cover?
Well we pretty much covers that in the last sentences, but will be an overall lifestyle magazine, with a particular emphasis on recommending restaurants and bars for the masses.
Why is this important? the big news outlets rely on people paying for adds, which means that they are unaffordable for your average joe, this is where Khmer Nights kicks in 0 reviewing real restaurants rather than just big corporations.
For example you can read their review on Molly’s here .
Who is behind Khmer Nights?
A whole heap of people, some with a journalistic background, others less so, but all with an interest in he nightlife and general lifestyle sector of Cambodia! And of course me the Street Food Guy will be taking part, predominantly covering sports, but also with some street food based jollies thrown into the mix too.
Essentially it is a very broad church that very much welcomes outside contributions – you can check their contact page here .
I will though still be writing here of course, you can read my revolutionary random piece about Huanren here .