Will May Day be the same in Cuba? In case you missed it Cuba just announced some of the biggest changes in the country since the revolution. Essentially the whole economy is now open to private enterprise. Have they abandoned communism? Are they still socialist? Can I still shake my booty on May Day?
Lets look at things.
To read about what makes a socialist country click here.
What is May Day?
May Day is international workers day. It was formerly a big deal in all socialist countries, but is now less so. Cuba is the exception to this.
In Cuba it is like a mixture between a North Korean style parade and a fiesta. It starts early and ends early, but it is also a whole day party.

To read about North Korean parades click here
It is probably the most important holiday in Cuba, as well as a great time to visit the country. I have been many times and even have a photo of Raul Castro up on the platform. Take that Uncle Sam.
The Communist Party are still in Charge
So before anyone gets too worried it should be noted that the Cuban Communist Party are still very much in charge. They are a vanguard party and the country is going down a similar route to China, or Vietnam. This means you can be rich and red!

As my Cuban friend put it “progressive revolutionaries”.
To read about street food in North Korea click here/
So, there will still be a May Day
Why mess with a winning formula? People still need holidays and if Cuba does indeed follow a Chinese model then you keep your revolutionary zeal frost and foremost with your capitalist reforms.
Coronavirus not withstanding we will certainly be there on the next one. In fact this might even make things better. Perhaps there will be people selling beer and snacks to help our weary travelers?
That would truly be revolutionary.