What are Macadamia Nut Health Benefits?

Doctors suggest that more children around the world are showing deficiencies in vitamins, essential minerals, and nutrients each year as opposed to the last 20 to 30 years. Diet plans from the 50s and 60s show a more versatile and rich diet, with an average intake of vegetables and fruits preceding the modern man’s intake by a long shot. It appears the modern lifestyle, the constant rush and long working hours have made it almost impossible to take care of what you eat and how you eat it. Yet, there are ways to reduce the impact of a bad diet by implementing certain foods into your daily life. Superfoods are foods that have a high concentration of vitamins, fiber, and minerals, and nuts are at the top of the list, among others.

Nuts have been linked to many health benefits; they provide an astonishing number of essential vitamins and are easy to access. Most notably, they are the perfect replacement for the salted snacks you regularly have and, due to the high demand, are quite cheap. One type of nut, in particular, stands out from the rest, yet is often overlooked: the macadamia nut. We’ll dive into the health benefits of this nut in the text below, and share a recipe or two, so keep reading.

Origin and texture 

The macadamia nut, originally, is native to what is now Brazil, parts of Costa Rica, New Zealand, and the tropical island of Hawaii. It is more than obvious how warmer climates are the perfect “ground” for the nut to flourish and grow. It generally goes under the type of tree nut. The texture is often described as being creamy, soft, and fine-drawn. For those who have never eaten it, it could be compared to the cashew nut due to a similar texture and taste, yet the macadamia is a bit leaner and easier on the stomach, as, among other things, it helps digestion.

Although native to the aforementioned regions, the nut has only lately gained popularity, with global demand skyrocketing due to its numerous health advantages and delicious taste. It certainly is a pleasure and combines well with a variety of meals, as it has a more delicate flavor and is less heavy than its counterparts, fitting in wonderfully in your protein smoothie or chicken curry.

The many health benefits 

With that out of the way, let’s look at the health advantages of this great “superfood” and what new research suggests regarding nut consumption.

Nutritiously wise, the macadamia nut has a caloric content of around 204 per 30 grams, and fat composes much of its value, as it has around 24 grams of fat and only 2 grams of protein and fiber. This ratio of fat to protein makes it perfect for people practicing the keto diet or intermittent fasting, as fat is a great source of energy. If you are concerned about the percentage of fat, we can assure you that these fats go under the category of monounsaturated, meaning they are good for your arteries and heart. The moderate amounts of sugar (around 4 grams) and fiber make them perfect for diabetic people as well. 

With the nut having high levels of vitamin E, it actually has anti-cancer properties and has been linked to lowering the chance of different types of tumors appearing. They have high levels of manganese, thiamine, iron, copper, and magnesium, as stated by the folks at Marquis Macadamias, which are great for the brain, boosting your concentration and memory, and high levels of vitamin B, which is often regarded as the “youth” vitamin. Actually, there have been numerous studies supporting the claim that vitamin B prolongs longevity and makes you look younger because it is beneficial for your skin, hair, and internal organs. There is even a little, isolated village within the hills of central Asia where people live on an average of around 90 years, with the oldest resident being just above 100. The key element of their diet, researchers remarked, is the different types of nuts they eat daily that are rich in the different types of vitamin B. 

Most people have never heard of the term “flavonoid,” but it refers to a type of metabolite that is best for fighting inflammation in the body. Fortunately, the macadamia nut has the highest concentration of these metabolites, making it an excellent antioxidant in the fight against various inflammatory processes in the body. Now, like with everything, you should not overdo it with the nut, and a reasonable intake of approximately 30 grams should be sufficient to improve your gut health (fiber content frequently acts as a probiotic) and heart health.

The list of benefits goes on, as each and every single ingredient is beneficial for numerous health issues, and therefore, eating something containing these ingredients can only be favorable. 

Macadamia Nut Health Benefits

How to eat it? 

Well, this really depends on your personal preferences and whether you want to eat it as a snack or use it as an ingredient. Roasted and salted macadamia nuts should replace the snacks you have, although you have to watch the amount you eat. As said, around 30 grams more or less should be enough. You may combine it, maybe add it as a side dish to your meals, roast it and make pasta with it, and eat it with a slice of bread, or create a P&B sandwich to go. It really comes down to what you like, and the internet is full of great recipes you can try out. 

All in all, the macadamia nut surely offers many health benefits. However, we suggest it as a supplement as it can never replace a fully balanced diet and regular physical activity. Thus, if you feel tired all the time and get sick quite often, maybe it is time for you to ditch the bad habits and start living healthier. 

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