Lucozade is one of my favourite drinks, i’m not really sure why, it’s just fruity soda, but I remember John Barnes kicking a can of it into a bin during an add campaign, and my dad asking me if I was sick egery time drank it.
So, what is the Lucozade Story?
Invented in 1927 as Glucozade as one of those fancy medicinal drinks, like coke, it was purchased by pharmaceutical company Beechums in 1937. They then pretended it was good for you if you were sick until 1978, when they realised they should hit the healthy market too. For the next 20 years they pretended it was good for you, before admitting it was in fact just a sugary soda.
Can you mix lucozade with alcohol?
Lucozade and vodka is great, or it works as a great soju chaser.
And there’s a Lucozade cola?
I was recently in Hong Kong when I saw Lucozade cola on the shelves of my local 7-11. To say I lost my shit would be understatement and I immediately purchased one in the interests of #ColaQuest
To read about Lucozade Cola click here.
To read about North Korean coke click here.
Why is it so big in Hong Kong?
Well Hong Kong was a British colony, thus British made stuff is still very prevalent in the city state. They even have Marks and Spencer, which I have done a cheese run to more than once! In fact Hong Kong is just a fabulous mix of British and Chinese culture. This might be controversial right now, but it is also true.
To read a blog about that click here.
Lucozade for whatver reasons is another one of those things that jumped over from the UK. In fact Lucozade is far more popular in Hong Kong that it is in the UK. Why? Who knows honestly, but as a lover of Lucozade I can certainly understand it.