The Prey Veng Nightlife Guide 2022! We have decided to update this little gem after attending an event in Prey Veng celebrating it becoming the second mine-free province after Kep. Is there any nightlife in Prey Veng, no there is not, but visiting with government dignitaries certainly showed us another side to the city.
Why go to Prey Veng

Amazingly Pre Veng do have a team in the CPL 2, the second division of football in the Kingdom. The team are on a rich vein of form and are likely to get promoted this year.
To read about watching football in Cambodia click here
To read about watching football in Pre Veng click here
I was thus here a second time for football reasons.

Are there are any restaurants in Pre Veng?
Trip Advisor said there were two, but these are tough times and they seem to have closed. There are though a number of coffee shops such as I-Coffee in Prey Veng, as well as what is perhaps the fancy restaurant in Prey Veng, namely the Mittapheap Hotel and Restaurant, which almost passed as fine dining.
Prey Veng Best Restaurant Prey Veng Best Restaurant
There are of course lots of small Khmer type restaurants and street food, but we will get to that later.
Are there any bars in Pre Veng?
Apparently they tried out the hole bar thing, but locals didn’t want to spend money on expensive cocktails. There are no bars in Pre Veng, but you can probably find a Karaoke joint if that is your thing.
What time does the city shut?
Apparently by about 7, the lights go out everything closes. It is not easy driving around in the dark on the pot-holed streets of Pre Veng.
Is there Street Food in Pre Veng
If you want to eat late then the only place is a thin stretch of street food vendors that are knocking out a storm! In fact it was so good I will try to review most everything I ate!
The guy even spoke pretty good English, made up a table for us and I think might have had the hots for me. My GayDar was certainly going off on this one.
Prey Veng Nightlife guide + street food

So the nightlife scene consists of about seven vendors all selling similar the stuff. They have coolers with beers and can fashion a table of sorts for you. All the food is much of muchness, but if you like Khmer street food it is all good.
I’ll therefore concentrate on what we had.
Grilled frog (តាឡនតនអាំង) – Not the big kind I had recently in Phnom Penh, but more like bugs, grilled and seven with lime.

You can read about Singapore Frog here .
Chicken ass (កញ្ជូញកូដមាន់អាំង) – It might sound gross, but we all know how good it is.
Chicken offal Khmer type curry (Khmer) – I really don’t know how to explain this, but it was cooked in a pot and just described as “spicy”. It was spicy. Lots of Khmer herbs, jungle veg, chill and chicken innards. Very good.
Pork belly – (សាច់ជ្រូកបីជាន់) – Khmer style BQ pork belly, another real treat.

Pork blood (ឈាមជ្រូក) – The congealed slimy version, rather and the black pudding variety. OK, but in the end a bit much for me.
To read about black pudding click here
Khmer BBQ Chicken – The street was mostly dominated by BBQ chicken, again a dish it is hard to go wrong with.
Washed down with Anchor beer, which at some point deserves its own article. Apparently it is from Battambang, which I once visited for 25 minutes on the way to Pailin, but that was a very different time….
To read a guide to Pailin click here .
Prey Veng becomes second de-mined province in Cambodia
What led us here for jaunt two was an invitation to a ceremony marking the province as being the second de-mined place in Cambodia after Kep. The event not only took us to some impressive tourists sites (the few in the city), but also to where the de-ming actually happened, with equipment and indeed ordinance both on display.

This was followed by an awards ceremony hosted by H.E. Ly Touch Senior Minister & First Vice President, Cambodian Mine Action & Victim Assistance Authority, where the Street Food Guy got to sit on the podium! Truly exciting times.

A great day out, but alas not one that has changed the Prey Veng Nightlife 2022 scene. Still not much going on, but at least one new restaurant and hotel discovered.