Phnom Penh bans alcohol sales and restaurant dining. In the latest move to spot what seems to be the unstoppable spread of Covid-19 in Cambodia alcohol sales have been banned from April 11th-20th, with restaurants being asked to provide take-out, or delivery services only.
I’ll start by adding my two cents worth, before getting onto the meat and potatoes of this thing. I was present in China when coronavirus first became a “thing”. I thus remember vividly how westerners were saying it was nothing worse than the flu. Well history has certainly showed that not to be the case.
The community outbreak in Cambodia
For the longest time Cambodia was a relative bastion of freedom from Covid-19, with government measures keeping infections into the low hundreds, an amazing feat when compared to nearby countries such as the Philippines.
Things then changed on February 20th when there was a community outbreak after some Chinese nationals allegedly bribed their way past security. Since then things have escalated somewhat and we are now looking at over 4000 cases. Still small in comparison with other countries, but rising quickly enough that the government has had to take action and take action quickly.
Phnom Penh bans alcohol sales and restaurant dining
Phnom Penh bans alcohol sales and restaurant dining was the announcement by the local municipality. Starting from April 11th alcohol sales are completely banned, whilst restaurants may no longer offer dine-in services. Pick-up, delivery and services, such as Food Panda and Nham24 among others remain unchanged.

Establishments that do not comply with the order will first face a warning, but if they break it again will face legal measures. In short this is being taken very seriously.
The measures are to last from April 11th-24th. This means it will encompass Khmer New Year, as well as the anniversaries of the death of Pol Pot and the fall of Phnom Penh to the Khmer Rouge.
Why has Phnom Penh banned alcohol sales?
Quite simply and quite sadly because of the stupidity of people when it comes to the devil that is drink. A vast majority of the cases linked to the February 20th incident have been from people either drinking in bars, or at private parties. Essentially the devil drink has gotten us into the crazy situation.
To read about the February 20th incident click here.
What does this mean in real terms?
For the vast majority of the population, who have been remaining vigilant and following the rules very little will change. We won’t be able to visit restaurants in he day-time, but again a fairly small price to pay if it does help stem the flow of this deadly virus.
But no drink? This part is a little bit sad, as with the curfew already essentially ending the nightlife of Phnom Penh, drinking at home was a guilty pleasure that people could still indulge in. Sadly though and as is often the case the crimes of the few will now affect the many.
But, hey if the ends justify the means and it all works out for us then we simply have to support it.

So, two weeks without drink?
Drinking hasn’t been banned and if you have a stock of beer, or liquor in the house then again life can continue as normal to an extent. On the other hand you could look at this as a great excuse to detox yourself from alcohol. A scary prospect indeed for many of us, but you’ll feel a lot better and it is a great way to lose weight.
See you on the other side……..