My first new year not in Nauru! Whilst I might consider Facebook an Evil Empire, I am usually a fan of FB memories. Not much the case in 2020, all the memory function does it show us just how screwed we are with the Covid-19 situation. It also often shows just how active you were the year before.
And it was just today, discussing with my friend on Koh Rong about how they were full on New Year two things hit me.. I would not be going to Koh Rong and this would be the first time in 5 years I would not be on Nauru.
What is Nauru?
Unless you’re a travel geek it is likely you might not have heard of the country, and there is good reason for this. Nauru is a tiny Pacific Island nation of 10,000 people. It is also the least visited country in the world . And for the last 4 years it was where I welcomed in the new year.
Why am I not celebrating new year on there?
It’s this thing called coronavirus, you might have heard about it. But long story short unless you are coming from Australia getting to Nauru is impossible.
Why celebrate new year in Nauru?
A very valid question. Nauru is the least visited country in the world and we run a least visited countries tour. Quite simply I guide that tour. Last year also meant Christmas in Palau and Micronesia.
To read about Palau click here
To read about Micronesia click here
How do you celebrate New Year in Nauru?
For me anyway my New Years have followed a fairly standard formula.
- Pub crawl around the WHOLE country
- Drink at the Hotel Menem
- Jump fully clothed into the swimming pool at midnight
- Gatecrash a Nauruan party
Not exactly reinventing the wheel, but something enjoyed by myself and my guests for many years now. I now have a lot of friends in Nauru who I will be sad not to be seeing. But, i’m hardly alone in that. 2020 is the year of not seeing loved ones for many of us.
To read about doing a pub crawl over a whole country click here
To read about the history of Nauru click here
So, how will I celebrate New Year?
It looks like I will be stuck in Cambodia, but hey there are worse places to be stuck.