Not completely Street Food related, but as it is my blog I have decided to set my lines in the sand, and create (achievable) goals for 2020! Really this blog should be done at the start of the year, but alas tomorrow I travel to Palau (country 150) on the YPT Least Visited Countries Tour.
Another reason to put this and public, in ink as it were, is so that in one year’s time, I can see how I did.
Let the plans begin!
Health wise
All new years wishes should start with something healthy, so I am going to keep mine realistic.
Smoke less…
Not give up (yet), but start using the e-cigarette more. After all, I even have Fanta flavored cigarette juice! #FantaQuest
Drink less…
Definitely not give up! I have birthdays and trips to Serbia after all. I think if I can keep drinkies to weekends only, I will be happy enough with that.
Get back on keto
I have previously written about doing keto in China,but it honestly my favorite diet ever, as it consists of pretty much just eating cheese and meat. It also genuinely works, and works well.
Do fewer tours! I say this every year, but with my current other projects, I need to do fewer tours. Hopefully (or sadly) 2020 should be my tour swan-song. I will though be guiding the Svalbard trip for sure!
Make lots of movies
Last year I made my first proper movie with Pioneer Media, namely Castle Freak. In 2020 we are planning to do at least 3-4 movies (which I intend to work on), but who knows how many we will do. I would also like to maybe make my directorial debut but on something small.
Live in Serbia
I love Serbia, and it looks like I might get the chance to live there. I want to make this happen.
Build up my Island
Now that LBI has purchased Coffee Island we need to keep raising funds, and build stuff on the island. To do this I plan to live in Belize for at least 3-4 months.
Visit more countries!
After my next tour, I will be at around 155 countries, my aim is to hit at least 160 by the years end, this is my minimum (there is no upper limit).
And those are my plans for 2020! We shall see how they pan out…