How YOU can lose weight in Asia (advice from a fat guy).

Believe it, or not my multitute of loyal fans never message me to ask how to lose weight in Asia, but really they should, as over the last 6 months i was able to drop two shirt sizes (true story).

Here’s my advice for avoiding piling on the pounds during an Asian food odyssey!

Ok, so Asia is a big place, so in general on this blog I’ll concentrate on east Asia, China, and South-East Asia. Few travellers come to this part of the world and don’t become food junkies. The sites and smells of the food are enough to make anyone a convert. It is therefore very natural to end up either concerned about your weight, or just getting fat.

Here’s my fat mans guide to staying slim in Asia.

Eat less food! (duh)

balut in the philippines
Balut is healthy

This might sound obvious, but portions on Asia tend to be small and filling. Especially if there’s more than one of you. This is different from in the west where we order our own plate and eat until we are finished. This tends to making eating less in Asia easier than in the west.

Eat until you are full. Glutony is one of the 7 deadly sins, Kevin Spacey told me.

Avoid the beer (and mixers)

As the proud father of a mighty beer belly I am living proof of the devil that is alcohol. If you REALLY want to lose wight in Asia (quickly) then just stop drinking period. Even stopping the booze for one week will show a difference. Of course abstinence is also boring as hell, so we have another option for you.

Most countries have their own liquor. Drink the liquor and avoid mixers. Bai Jiu anyone? In this respects the “safest” drink you can have is vodka. If you do need a mixer add soda water and lime. Aside from not drinking this is the next best healthy option.

Lose weight in Asia – No dairy no problem

coconut milk - how to lose weight in Asia

Generally speaking there’s next to no dairy in Asia. Don’t go out of your way to find cheese. Instead embrace things like soy milk and straight tea.

How to lose weight in Asia? Avoid rice and bread

How to lose weight in Asia

Rice is the devil carb, and lets be honest it’s boring. In 13 years in Asia I’ve eaten very little rice. If nothing simply don’t over indulge in rice. Sadly bread is equally as evil. Try and avoid bread as much as possible.

how to lose weight in Asia? Keto is easy in Asia

how to lose weight in Asia - dog anyone?

I freaking love the keto diet. Keto in Asia means just eating meat. BBQ in Asia is a bid deal. Keeping on a high protein diet in Asia is quite easy, and you will lose weight in Asia with keto.

You are even allowed to eat cheese on keto!

To read about how to do Keto in Cambodia click here

Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods make you sweat, and eat slower. Both of these aide not being a Fatty Fatty Chicken

Fruit juice isn’t good for you

Remember growing up and thinking fruit was really good for you, well it is, but it is also filled to the brim with sugar. So, even with fruit moderation is the key.

Sorry to say it, but juice is full of sugar no matter how healthy it might seem. Instead drink water with lime! For me I now drink a lot of soda water with lime. Soda water with fruit is the best cheat drink for the soda queen.

How to lose weight in Asia? Embrace raw fish

Raw fish (and meat) is the healthiest food, AND best tasting on the planet. Go sashimi crazy in Asia. I’m a particular fan of kinilaw (Filipino ceviche). .

How to lose weight in Asia? Exercise.

Sadly just eating less will not do the trick. You will also need to to exercise. My Fit Station can do that trick.. You would also want to download a step counter, or start running. Running through beautiful scenery can be quite rewarding!

Part of my lose weight in Asia scheme has seen me running down by the Phnom Penh riverside. There are bars here so it is a mixture of work and reward Exercise does not have to be boring!

Everything in moderation, particularly moderation

Eat, drink, dance and be merry! Sure you need to moderate, but every now and again go crazy to avoid going crazy (trade marked quote).

Sadly the street food guy isn’t very good at moderation….

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