Can you get a street haircut? Where can I get a cheap haircut in Phnom Penh? One thing I love about living in Asia, at least as a man is the cheapness of haircuts here and not only haircuts but getting shaved. I literally did not own a razor for about 10 years, although I have now started to shave again.
I have not though started to cut my own hair, which is probably for the best. When I have cut my hair in the past it has not worked out well.
Street Haircut vs Shop Haircut
Cambodia much like anywhere else has orange of prices for things, haircuts obviously being one of them. Yu can find many a fancy store with AC and finely-tuned professionals to trim your barnet.
On the flip-side though you also have street-vendors that specialize in hair-cuts, literally coming out daily to set up shop and then cut hair.
As the street food guy it is therefore only good and correct that if I am prepared to eat on the street, I should be prepared to get my hair cut on the street. Ironically the my street haircut experience is also on the best street in Phnom Penh for street food.
To read about the best street food in Phnom Penh click here
The best street haircut in Phnom Penh
Where can you get the best street haircut in Phnom Penh? Well i’m not gonna lie I have not tried all that many, but I have found one guy that I like, so I go to see him whenever I need a haircut. He’s cheap, he’s on the street and he can follow the instructions to make me look like a Peaky Blinder.
To read about the Peaky Blinders click here.
The system is oh so very simple, I sit down, I show him the photo of the haircut I want and then he gets down to business. Can’t complain with that. As you will see from the results I feel my street haircut went rather well.
How much does a street haircut cost?
No word of a lie when I was in Siem Reap I was paying 3000 riel, or 75 cents to get shaved every few days. Literally cheaper than buying a razor. Phnom Penh is a little bit more expensive and I pay $3 to get my hair cut. I’m sure there’s a barang premium added, but honestly I don’t care.
To read about how Cambodian money works click here .
And street tattoo’s?
My man also does street tattoo’s, with a small one costing 10 bucks. I have yet to pluck up the courage for that one, but it will surely come to pass.
And that’s how you get a tip-top haircut in Phnom Penh. The guy is located on Street 13, just after street the bottom end of street 172 and leading to Kandal Market.
To read a guide to Kandal Market click here .