Victory Hill Sihanoukville I was to learn (after the fact) was apparently a big deal on the local party scene. Well, these are Covid times and it seems things might have changed somewhat.
What is Victory Hill Sihanoukville?
After arriving I was to learn that bacon the day this was the third most popular girly bar district in Sihanoukville. In olden times there were 10 bars and a few massage type affairs to keep the locals entertained. Also remember “Chicken Farm Road” from Koh Kong? Well this place is supposedly near a “chicken farm road”. Unlike Koh Kong said farm is for ladies selling their wares. I did not see this mythical creature street.
To read about Koh Kong click here .

How did you end up here?
Good question. Quite simply I booked the first available and decent hotel online I could find, only to arrive and be told it was closed. This was due to coronavirus, we have had a local outbreak that has spread.

To read about the latest outbreak click here .
The nearest hotel that looked open was the “Dive Hotel”.
How is Victory Hill Sihanoukville looking?
During the day it is mostly boarded up massage parlors and gilry bars. And the night you ask? Basically the same, with more darkness. I was expecting the street to jump alive as night fell, but the reality was thus.
Theres a place called “corner bar” I had heard being talked up. They served an OK toasted sandwich, but bustling it was not. At night I returned in the hope of WiFi. Had a decent Hot-Dog with English style chips. Not a stop the press place, but it did a job.

Hotels on Victory Hill Sihanoukville
Overpriced and incredibly poor quality, to cut a long story very short. I ended up at Dive Hotel. Rooms were decent at $20, but no WiFi in 2021 is not at all cool. They also have a pool, that is obviously closed……
At night it becomes an expat refuge at the bar, although no draft beer, or atmosphere. The fact that expats are here at all tells you everything you need to know about Sihanoukville, or as we loving callout Shitsville.
Overall there is no reason to come to capital Hill Sihanoukville unless like myself you are on a layover, in which case it is at least passable.