The Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant, or to give it its fun title “The Tongil Street duck BBQ restaurant” is one of the most iconic restaurants in North Korea. Back in the day EVERY group that visited North Korea would come here on the last night for their farewell dinner. Nowadays some groups, such as YPT have gotten a bit more adventurous, but trips here are still common and Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant is very much an institution.
Location – Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant
Pyongyang Duck Barbecue Restaurant is located in East Pyongyang on Tongil Street. Tongil means reunification in Korean. Ever hear of the company Tongil Tours, that’s how they got their name!
To get a few phrases in Korean click here.
It is located in a residential part of Pyongyang, so if you get the chance to come here by foot then it is very interesting. Although being a nighttime haunt it is usually dark by the time that you arrive.
What do they serve at the Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant? Would you believe it but duck bbq? OK, so now that the obvious has been stated I will go into more detail, because this really is quite a special establishment.
The Pyongyang Duck BBQ restaurant serves all manor of duck dishes, and other things such as omelettes as starters. Then comes the main course. Basically you have a BBQ on your table, in classic Korean BBQ fashion. You get your oil and your sauces, the main one being very smilier to Peking Duck sauce. You then wrap the duck meat in a lettuce leaf and eat it Korean BBQ style!
Think of the best bits of Korean BBQ married to Peking Duck. Oh yes this is he business.
Traditionally you finish with a duck soup! You can do beers if you fancy, but classic style is to have it with Soju. Once that has ran out out you can buy beers, or indeed more soju.
And don’t stress if you’re a vegetarian, they have lots of eggs. For vegans they got vegetables…
To read about soju click here .
How much does the Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant cost?

One of the reasons for the Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant’s popularity with group tours is it usually included as part of a KITC package. This means that if you are on a tour to North Korea, you don’t have to pay. Extra beers or soju for the thirty out there are cheap!
If you come here privately then prices are reasonable, food and drinks won’t post much more than about 15 bucks all in. For example beers cost 10 RMB, so about $1.50, just for some context.
How can I visit the Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant?
By going to North Korea dum dum! Things might be closed right now, but they will of course open again at some point.
Check out tours to North Korea here .
What makes it so special?
The Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant is special for a number of reasons. The cuisine is genuinely divine. Of course there are better restaurants in Pyongyang, but on the standard trail this is probably the best.
Because lots of tour groups come here, it is also a great place to meet people. I have seen huge groups of Japanese students here, which is surreal to say the least.
To read about Chongyron click here
And then there is simply the nostalgia. Previously all groups came here on the last night, so lots of memories have been formed. For YPT at least this was usually followed by trips to the Diplo, another iconic piece of Pyongyang folklore/
To read about the “Diplo” click here.
See you at the Pyongyang Duck BBQ Restaurant? I hope so….