Hot Girls Eating, well apparently its a thing. When you are the street food guy you are one of those annoying people that are always taking photos of their food, you know the kind of people you look at with distain at restaurants. Worse still is when a street food vendor who you di not buy from gives you the evil eye!
You can read about the Street Food Guy here .
Living on Instagram
Being a foodie picture lover means that I am also putting its pf pictures on Instagram, as well as following other people. The internet is a funny thing and every now and again you end up following the white rabbit all the way down that hole.
In case you are not yet following me on Instagram click here .
Through my IG travels I have found that food is something that seems to turn people on, like a lot. There are IH pages devoted to hot girls eating literally everything, hot girls eating pizza, hot girls eating ice-cream, well everything.
In fact it does not even stop at Instagram, Pinterest has “pizza girls”, whilst Facebook has a group called hot girls eating carbs.
You can see the hot Girls Eating Carbs group here .
Food and sexuality
Food and sexy business do it appear go together like peas and carrots. I had a guest blog done for me by Podopheleus about “sploshing”. Don’y know what sploshing is? Check out this blog (link to SFG sploshing blog).
It truly does take all sorts in this world. Horses for courses as they say.
The Hot Girls eating thing though has really taken on a life f its own and is seemingly very popular with Koreans, with there being YouTube channels involving strange Korean girls and usually squid. Not in a weird way of course.
Want to read about bukkake noodles? Click here.
Hot Girls Eating – the website

It was therefore inevitable that at some point someone would literally make a website/hub that was devoted to hot girls eating, after all domains only last so long before people buy them. We now have
What’s the website about?
It is essentially a hub of the “hub” variety – you will either know what this is, or you will not. It really is that simple. Yet on this hub the women are clad rather than getting down to other forms of entertainment.
What they do all have in common though is that they are eating up a storm. Some highlights include pickle eating, jelly bars and a rather disturbing video of a fairly hot girl trying chicken burger from Burger King.
You can see the video here
To read a more sensible article on how many countries have Burger King click here (link)
And yes of course there are ones that involve bananas and hot-dogs, men after all are very simple creatures.
Hot Guys Eating?
Not a genre I have explored, nor intent to, although if it does ever become a thing perhaps my YouTube will go bananas (pun definitely intended).
You can follow my YouTube here
And that is the phenomena that is Hot Girls Eating. Not a genre we will be getting too involved in at Street Food Guy, but one we are happy to bring to the masses, particularly as there is a new site now devoted to the whole thing.
They do not apparently seem to be looking for models yet, but who knows this could become the new selling feet pics easy money maker.
You can check out the full site here