Finger Food Ideas That Go Well With Drinks For Your Party

Throwing a party can be very exciting. No matter if you are celebrating your birthday, a promotion, or you are just organizing a weekend gathering, having friends and family over is always a joy. And of course, there are many things to plan and think about when it comes to organizing the party itself. You have to think about the possible theme of the party, the seating, as well as drinks and food that go along with them.

Of course, the best food to serve at parties is finger food dishes. That way, it will be easier for you, as you do not have to spend hours next to the stove, preparing a complex meal. And it will be nicer for your guests, as they can just grab something at any time, all while talking to people and having fun. If you were thinking about what types of finger food would be the best choice for your party, you came to the right place. In this article, you will find ideas for ideal finger food that will go with the drinks at your party.

Mini macaroni and cheese stuffed biscuits

If you are serving cocktails that are a combination of hard liquor and lemonade, and are sweet at the same time, mini macaroni and cheese stuffed biscuits are a great choice of food. This combination is really good because the sweetness of the cocktail pairs nicely with the flakey biscuits and the cheese. So, for example, you could pair it with whisky lemonade with honey, or any other type of sweet cocktail. If you opt to buy liquor online you can certainly get many different pre-made cocktails. That way, you will not only have a wider variety of cocktails to offer to your guests, but you will also save money along the way.

Slices of cheese

One of the easiest, and frankly, the most delicious foods you can serve is certainly cheese. The drink that cheese is usually served with is wine. You can buy different types of cheese, and simply cut them and serve them as they are. If you want to take the idea to the next level, you can create a cheese board with nuts, bread, fruit, crackers, as well as olives, and cured meat.

If you are serving a dry white wine, choose soft cheeses, as the wine will nicely complement their rinds and their texture. On the other hand, if you are serving port wine, opt for a stronger type of cheese. Some of these can be, for instance, aged cheddar or pungent blue cheese. As port wine is quite intense, using this type of cheese creates a nice combination.

Teriyaki chicken bites

Teriyaki chicken bites do not only go well with different drinks, but they are also a very tasteful finger food to serve. As this dish is spicy and sweet at the same time, it will pair beautifully with spiced drinks. So, for example, if one of the drinks at your party is a spiced red wine sangria, be sure to serve teriyaki chicken bites. They are simply a magical combination.

Dark chocolate-covered almonds

Dark chocolate-covered almonds are something that everyone likes. It is the perfect combination of crunchy and sweet that your guests will surely appreciate. These go best with sweeter champagnes. Be sure to buy the almonds covered in dark chocolate specifically, because other types are going to be too sweet for this combination.

Chips and dips

Even though it is not the fanciest food you can serve, chips and dips are always a great finger food choice for a party. There are not many people who do not enjoy this type of snack. So, if you are not too into preparing complex finger foods, you can always go with serving various types of chips along with different dips. They will go beautifully with beer, but, frankly, people will probably eat it while drinking any other drink as well.

Goat cheese toast with honey

Preparing goat cheese toast with honey is not at all complicated. And yet, if you serve this, it will look quite luxurious, and most importantly, it will be super tasteful. These go really nicely with, for example, lavender lemonade mojitos. This cocktail is made of rum, lemon juice, water, lavender syrup, and mint and it perfectly complements this type of dish. So, if you want to give your guests the southern France experience, serve them this combination.

Combining drinks with the right type of food is truly a form of art. So many flavors and spice notes need to be taken into consideration to create the perfect combination. If you were looking for some nice finger foods to serve with the drinks at your party, hopefully, the ideas in this article will be useful for you!

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