So, there has been a new coronavirus outbreak in Phnom Penh. Now whilst we do not yet know exactly what it will mean, we can probably expect life to become slightly less normal. Rather annoying as things had been largely normal up to now.
What we know so far?
Basically there have been two distinct cases. The first being a community outbreak related to a family of 6. The General Director of Prisons Chhem Savuth, has been reported to have tested positive for COVID-19, presumably contacted from his wife who was tested positive on Saturday. This particular case is the first community outbreak and has led to the closure of the Phnom Penh hotel, and the American Intercontinental School.
Closure of Aeon Mall 1
What is a little bit more worrisome is the second case related to the coronavirus outbreak in Phnom Penh. The woman allegedly tested positive after entering Aeon Mall. As things stand authorities do not know how she contracted it. She had not only not been abroad, but had not been in contact with anyone known to have Covid-19.
And just to throw even more shit into the mix, she had also traveled to Siem Reap. This basically means that doing the whole tracing everyone she has been in contact with will be quite hard.
Is Phnom Penh going to be put into lockdown?
Again no one knows as the news only hit today (November 29th). Although it should be kept in mind that the government have chosen to shut up shop under my less serious coronavirus outbreaks.
So, stock up on noodles and get ready for the possibility that you might not ne enjoying as much of the Phnom Penh nightlife as you used to.
Update; As per Monday 30th November all schools have been closed in Phnom Penh.
For more infromation follow the regular updates from the Khmer Times.