Most of the dinners on the MV Hondius of Oceanwide Expeditions had been plated menu service, but on day 5 of our cruise, we were treated to something a little bit different!
Whatever the weather British style grit, we were to be treated to an on-deck BBQ feast!
In classic YPT fashion, we skipped the briefing on the following day’s events and grabbed the best table, with regards to view, BBQ, and a free bar. Yes, you read that right, free bar, although it was restricted to beer, red and white wine.
The BBQ itself was pretty good, with a decent salad bar, sausages, steak, hot potatoes, and pork ribs.

Free booze wise I hit the white wine hard, whilst the group collected a large amount of Heineken.

Then the disco started. Like most merchant vessels there is a large amount of Filipino and Serbian crew, two of my favourite places, and in my mind at least the loveliest people on the planet (although very different).
Calvin Sun, owner of Monsoon Diaries stated at the start of the night that he would not be dancing, but ended up like normal, stealing the show in a dance-off with Filipinos.
Our group was represented well on the dance floor, and the night felt like it could not get any more perfect, and then there came the northern lights.
To say dancing in freezing temperatures, with a drink in hand and the northern lights in the background were surreal and would be doing it a massive disservice.
We finished the night with a “lock-in” at the bar that is supposed to close at 12 but was kept open by the YPT plus clientele.

Day 5, which means the trip is almost at a close, was one of the best nights of my very varied travel life.
Top marks to the staff, and crew of the MV Hondius, the Street Food Guy very much salute you!