Well I have a yearly jaunt to Nauru every year that lasts 5 days, well Nauru Airlines have now buggered up their flight schedule (meaning no tour to Kiribati), so we will now be doing 7 days in Nauru!!!!
In honour momentous change, and for about my 5th trip to Nauru here’s my little travel guide to Nauru, and the 7 best things to do here. Enjoy.
7) Visit Parliament
Just coz you only got 10k of peeps doesn’t mean you don’t need a parliament, and a president. Nauru not only got both, but they’re really friendly.

6) Eat Spam
Nauru is the most obese country on earth, and they love spam. Honest to god go to the supermarket. I’ve never seen such a spam selection.

5) New Years in Nauru
Every year I celebrate new year in Nauru. People get drunk and jump into the swimming pool fully clothed. Sometimes there even a hakka.

4) Urbx in Nauru
Nauru used to be the biggest maker of phosphates in the world. aIt isn’t anymore, but they still got the factories. Go explore!
3) Swimming in Anabare Bay
Despite being island nation, there’s actually very few places to swim in Nauru (there’s a lot of rocks). Anabare Bay is basically the only place you can swim in Nauru, but it’s nice, so that’s good.

2) Nauru Pub crawl
As far as I’m aware, and I consider myself an expert in this field, Nauru is the only place in the world you can pub crawl in a day. Nauru has 5 bars, although you will need a vehicle to complete the crawl.

1) Raw Fish
Nauru might be full of (really) bad Chinese food, but they serve fresh, amazing and cheap sashimi. Tuna sashimi in Nauru lacks the expected wasabi, but Chinese hot sauce works a lot better than you’d think.

We will be running this tour again in 2020 if you want to try Nauru for yourselves.
Time for another Pacific adventure!