What are the best best selling drinks in the world?

What are the best selling drinks in the world? I recently did an article on the best selling beer in the world – I won’t ruin the surprise, but it send me down the rabbit hole. If such a weird beer could be number 1, what other strange top selling drinks in the world were there?

And no we are not talking about the best selling soft-drinks in the world, we are talking booze, liquor, or as the guy who boned Stifflers mum put it “the hard stuff”.

What is the best selling liquor in the world?

What is the best selling liquor in the world? The best selling liquor in the world in Jingo Soju. Note – this does not mean the best selling form of liquor, for surely that would be Chinese Baijiu – while liquor (it is digesting). When you put this into context it is pretty damned amazing. South Korea drink most of the stuff, and Korea is s country split in two.

To read about who wont Korean war click here .

But Korean soft power has made this a global thing too. In essence soju is the national liquor of Cambodia in reality, weird, but true.

To read about Soju and raw shrimp click here


Global Cases sold – 70+ Million thats a lotta cheers you get to do!

What is the best selling beer in the world?

 best selling drinks in the world
Snow Beer

Is the best selling beer in the world Budweiser? Thankfully no, but actually the winner is much worse. Snow Beer is brewed in China, China has lots of people, so therefore it is the best selling beer in the world. Us Snow Beer any good? No it is shit.

To read about Snow Beer click here .

What is the best selling brandy in the world?

Regular readers may know the answer to this, but keep in mind we said brandy, not cognac and even brandy is using the term loosely here. The best selling brandy in the word is Emperador Brandy from the Philippines. Want some context? It is pretty much only sold in the Philippines. It is though the most drunk liquor in the Philippines, although not the only one on this list. Yes Filipinos like a drink.

Global cases sold – 28 million cases – in my heyday I think I was part of at least one million of these year…….

What’s the best selling whisky in the world?

 best selling drinks in the world
Krean Wisky credit own photo

JD? Johny Walker? No again think of a country that LOVES whisky and has far too many people. OK, you got it yet? This riddle should have led you to India. Amazingly 4 Indian whiskies make the top 10 liquors sold in the world, the best selling one though is Officers Choice, which at least is better than North Korean whisky.

You can read about North Korean whisky here .

Cases sold – 32 million and only 40 percent of Indian whisky that is sold..

The best selling vodka in the ward?

polish vodkas

OK, so we had to throw at least one easy one into the mix didn’t we! What is the best selling vodka in the world? It is of course Smirnoff – which in itself is a crime. It is definitely nt the best in the world.

To read about the best 3 polish vodkas click here .

We are also fine fans of the kind of homemade Ukrainian moonshine you get at Jungle Cat (link), but vodka it is not.

Cases sold globally – 25.5 million

What is the best selling rum in the world?

credit own photo

Again the Filipinos storm in for another entry into the “What are the best selling drinks in the world category” – The best selling rum in the world is Tanduay Rum,

although it is kind of tied with Bacardi. We will ignore Bacardi simply because it is rubbish. The most impressive thing here is again it is really drunk outside of the Philippines and the diaspora.

You can read about Tanduay Rum and friends here .

So if you end up at a pub quiz at say Star Bar and you are asked what the best selling drinks in the world, for almost any category then the Street Food Guy has got you covered!

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